Download details

MYdata TPsys CAD conve MYdata TPsys CAD converter HOT

This MYdata CAD converter program, make it easy to programm a new pcb by importing usually available CAD data.


- Importing nearly any XY placement data (.txt.csv .... ) and export it to a MYdata TPSYS readable format.
- A editable preview table of the imported data
- SAVE and LOAD import parameters
- mirroring X and Y axis for a placing components on the bottom side of a pcb.
- Graphical preview of the mounting data which displays the position of the components and their  angles.
- A help button which leads to a small tutorial on my website
- NEW! Search and Replace components in your assembling list with components from your machine!


a Windows based computer
.NET Framework


Attention: This Download ist a locked edition!

It will only export the first 20 lines, if you are not a registered user.

For detailed information to buy/unlock to the full version please send me a mail to hannes[at]rohrhofer(dot)org

For more information look here:

Created 01.12.2015 19:18:23
Changed 14.01.2019 12:30:28
Version 51/2015p
Size 188.14 KB
Created by Super User
Changed by Super User
Downloads 1,705
License DonationwareTooltip

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